Cycling faces economic 'meltdown' if Tour de France cancelled

Dunya News

Cycling faces economic 'meltdown' if Tour de France cancelled

PARIS (AFP) - The Tour de France is not only a French monument, but also the economic heartbeat of professional cycling itself and analysts fear heavy consequences if the coronavirus crisis forces its cancellation.

An announcement is expected this week on either a postponement or an outright cancellation of the 21-day extravaganza that is currently scheduled to start in Nice on June 27.

The "Grande Boucle", as the Tour is known in France, is the central economic pillar which supports the 22 professional teams on the roster for 2020.

"Cancellation opens the door to a possible economic meltdown in the cycling sector," says Jean-Francois Mignot of the French National Centre for Scientific Research., who has written the book "A History of the Tour de France".

Maintaining the original dates looks unlikely with France under lockdown since March 17. More than 14,000 people have died from coronavirus in France.

Usually, up to 12 million fans line the roads as the Tour makes its way through the French countryside and towns and cities for three weeks every summer.

"It’s as simple as this. If the Tour does not take place, teams could disappear, riders and staff alike would find themselves unemployed," said Marc Madiot, the chief of top French outfit Groupama-FDJ.

His team budget is estimated at 20 million euros ($21.8 million) per year and is bankrolled by the state lottery and an insurance company.