AJK PM urges UN to resolve Kashmir issue as per its resolutions

AJK PM urges UN to resolve Kashmir issue as per its resolutions


Terms October 27 darkest day in Kashmir’s history

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MIRPUR (APP) - Azad Jammu Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq, while terming 27 October 27 as the darkest day in Kashmir’s recent history, has said that on this day, in 1947, India occupied Kashmir illegally by flouting international laws and norms of justice and fair play.

In his statement on Kashmir Black Day, the PM said that the Indian invasion of Kashmir had led to death and destruction in the region.

Bloodshed and violence, oppression and suppression have been a hallmark of India’s neo colonial rule in the region, the PM said, adding that India’s belligerent occupation opened the floodgates to violence and human rights violations against the Kashmiris.

He said that the so called champions of democracy deprived Kashmiris of their basic political and human rights.

He said that Kashmiris living on both sides of the bloody line (LoC) and the world over were celebrating Black Day as a mark of protest against India’s occupation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that the Kashmiri people had never accepted the illegal occupation of India.

Terming India as a usurper, he said, “The Indian government approached the UN Security Council on January 1, 1948 and promised to give Kashmiris their right to self-determination at the UN”.

He said that India later on backtracked from its commitments and refused to implement the UN resolutions that guaranteed the right to self determination for the people of Kashmir.

He said that the so called largest democracy was using its repressive state apparatus to crush the Kashmiris’ legitimate struggle for the right of self-determination.

He, however, maintained that despite using its military might, the Indian government has miserably failed to dent the Kashmiris resolve and their spirit of freedom.

“Kashmiri youths are being martyred in fake encounters and strict restrictions have been imposed on the media to hide the ground reality situation in Occupied Kashmir”, he said.

The PM demanded the United Nations to take practical steps to implement its resolutions on Kashmiri and help stop the ongoing oppression in Occupied Kashmir.