Punjab governor urges PM to focus on giving relief to the poor

Punjab governor urges PM to focus on giving relief to the poor


Criticises govt on issue of constitutional package

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KAHUTA (Dunya News) - Criticising the government on the issue of constitutional amendment bill and the appointment of judges, Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider has said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is just focusing on how to give extension to the judges instead of giving relief to the poor.

Speaking at an international law conference at Kahuta University, the governor said when they were in the opposition, they trumpeted merit and when they were in the government, they thought what they wanted was the merit.

It is not the job of the PM to pick a chief justice out of four or five judges; when it happened in the past, politicians were rebuked and punished, Saleem Haider said.

“Our judicial system is obsolete and weak. It takes years to give the masses justice. A judicial system and police culture reflect a society. Unfortunately, a poor man could not get an FIR registered without the help of an influential.

“Similarly, an innocent could not get justice in case a false FIR is registered against him. He has to go from pillar to post to get the false case quashed,” the governor said.

He said policemen work round-the-clock. A policeman could not take rest. There is a need to review their working hours, besides giving them pay rise.

He said the number of cases pending in the courts is in lakhs and the people are pushing for justice; there is a need to improve the judicial system, he added.

He said in four months as a governor, he saw the decisions by the Punjab Ombudsman which were based on merit.