Ex-PM Abbasi says police took action against Faizabad dharna on court order

Ex-PM Abbasi says police took action against Faizabad dharna on court order


Says most of inquiry commission’s questions were meaningless

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LAHORE (Dunya News) - Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said on Tuesday police had launched operation against Faizabad sit-in participants on court order, and it was not his government's decision. 

He said the then Punjab government did not create hurdles in the sit-in.  

The former premier said he had no proof pertaining to the Faizabad sit-in, adding most of the questions of the inquiry commission on Faizabad sit-in were meaningless.

The three-member commission set up on the orders of the Supreme Court issued its 149-page report. 

The commission absolved former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) director general retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed of the charges.

The commission cited various loopholes in the handling of the issue and drafted recommendations after evaluating the circumstances related to the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan's sit-in at Faizabad.

The report highlights the role of the Islamabad Police, the Ministry of Interior, the Punjab government, the ISI and the IB, and contains details of matters related to former law minister Zahid Hamid.

Also Read: Faizabad commission absolves Faiz Hameed of charges, suggests sagacious handling of affairs

A day earlier, an inquiry commission probing the November 2017 Faizabad sit-in absolved former director-general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), retired Lt Gen Faiz Hameed, of the charges. The three-member commission, set up on the orders of the Supreme Court, has issued its 149-page report.

According to sources, the commission cited various loopholes in the handling of the issue and drafted recommendations after evaluating the circumstances related to the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan's sit-in at Faizabad.

The report highlights the role of the Islamabad Police, the Ministry of Interior, the Punjab government, the ISI and the IB, and contains details of matters related to former law minister Zahid Hamid.