PTI has right to have election symbol, declares PHC in its written judgement

Parties have right to contest election on an election symbol
PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – The Peshawar High Court on Saturday issued its written ruling on Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI's) intra-party polls and election symbol.
The PHC released its brief judgement written by Justice Arshad Ali. The PHC, in its ruling, asked the ECP to issue a certificate to PTI on its website.
The PHC wrote in its order that the PTI had right to have election symbol. The detailed judgement with more reasons will be issued later.
The court in its written order said it confined itself to two questions; every citizen has right to form a political party and parties should be provided conducive environment.
The parties have right to contest election on an election symbol. They cannot be denied an election symbol. The ECP decision is unconstitutional, the court ruled.
On 10th January, 2024, the PHC had declared the ECP's decision null and void.