President Alvi reaffirms solidarity with Kashmiris on Black Day

President Alvi reaffirms solidarity with Kashmiris on Black Day


We are with you at every forum, President of Pakistan assures Kashmiris

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(Dunya News) – President Dr Arif Alvi said India could not suppress the freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people through brutality. 

Issuing a message on the Black Day being observed by the Kashmiri people, Dr Alvi said Oct 27 was a black day for the denizens of Kashmir when India had occupied the valley, depriving people of their right to decide their fate on their own. He said India was violating the Security Council’s resolutions. 

He said the Kashmiris were bearing the Indian atrocities for years, however, Indian forces failed to control their freedom movement. "I salute the resolute struggle of the Kashmiri people and their sacrifices would yield results," Dr Alvi said. 

'We are with you at every forum,' the president assured Kashmiris and urged the international community and media to highlight the predicament of the Kashmiri people.

Meanwhile, the civil society and Rescue 1122 on Friday took out a rally here and expressed solidarity with people of occupied Kashmir against forced occupation of the valley by Indian forces.

Hundreds of participants were carrying placards inscribed with the slogans of “Kashmir Black Day”, “Kashmir Banega Pakistan” (Kashmir will become Pakistan) and Kashmiri people have the right to self-determination. 

The speakers of the rally strongly condemned the Indian atrocities and human rights violations in the occupied valley and urged the international community to pressurise the Indian government to stop it immediately and resolve the issue as per the resolution of the United Nations.

The speakers including District Emergency Officer Abrar Ali said Oct 27, 1947 was the darkest day in the history of Kashmir when India illegally entered into the valley and forcibly established its rule by oppressing the innocent civilians. 

They reiterated the resolve that Pakistan would continue supporting Kashmiri people until they get freedom from the forced occupation of India and have their own free land.

They noted that “Kashmir is a region that can be conquered by love, but never by force”. At the end of the rally, prayers were offered for the freedom of IIOJK and Palestine.