Joint parliamentary session will be held today

Joint parliamentary session will be held today


An eight points for discussion during joint parliamentary session has been issued.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – A joint session of the parliamentary will be held today (Monday) with a packed agenda including discussions on the country's security situation, economic challenges, and respect for national institutions.

An eight points for discussion during joint parliamentary session has been issued. This joint session would be notable as it marks the first time Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) senators would attend since the change of regime. The PTI senators would hold their own parliamentary party meeting at 2:00 pm before the start of joint sitting of the parliament.

The government had also called a joint parliamentary meeting on Wednesday, March 22, to discuss foreign policy, the economic situation, and social media abuse against Pakistan Army. The call came amidst a tense political climate, particularly following Imran Khan's court appearances and the police operation in Zaman Park.

According to sources, a discussion on the overall law and order situation will take place during the meeting. The debate on a resolution, moved by the parliamentary affairs minister in the last sitting, will continue.

The economic situation of the country, Kashmir, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and the foreign policy will also be discussed. The issue of abuse of state institutions and personalities associated with them is also a part of the agenda.

Sources also informed that Climate change and population growth are also part of the agenda of the joint session of the parliament.