Already detained Hassan Niazi now arrested under 3 MPO

Already detained Hassan Niazi now arrested under 3 MPO


Already detained Hassan Niazi now arrested under MPO

LAHORRE (Dunya News) – Nephew of ex-prime minister and Inner circle Leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Hassan Khan Niazi has been arrested by Quetta police under section three of Maintenance of Public Order (MPO).

Hassan Niazi, who was already detained in Quetta was presented in front of Judicial Magistrate, who ordered him to be released on bail. However, the police once released him, but, immediately arrested him again under MPO section 3.

Ex-Prime Minister and Chairman PTI Imran Khan addressing a huge public gathering at Minar-e-Pakistan said that Hassan is being tortured just because he is my relative and his detention in based on malafide intent.