IHC to rule on maintainability of Tyrian White petition

IHC to rule on maintainability of Tyrian White petition


Imran argues plea not maintainable as he is not a public office holder

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - The Islam¬ab¬¬ad High Court (IHC) is likely to decide on Tuesday (to¬¬day) the maintainability of a petition seeking disqualification of PTI Chairman Imran Khan for concealing his alleged daughter Tyrian White.

In his reply to the court, Khan had objected to the petition, stating he was no longer a public office holder as his resignation from the National Assembly was “irrevocable” when he has no inte¬ntion of taking up a seat in the present assembly. In his reply, Khan stated that the court had no jurisdiction to examine the veracity of any declaration or affidavit by a person who had cea¬sed to hold public office.

During Monday’s hearing, counsel for the petitioner, Hamid Ali Shah, concluded his arguments in response to Imran Khan’s objections. The matter was taken up by the ben¬ch comprising Chief Jus¬tice Aamer Farooq, Just¬ice Mohsin Akhtar Kaya¬¬ni and Jus¬tice Arbab Muhammad Tahir. Iman Khan’s counsel Salman Akram Raja submitted his reply on the admissibility of the case.

During the hearing, PTI chief's lawyer told the court that Mr Khan had been accused of not filing his daughter’s details in his nomination papers. Mr Raja argued that there were two points before the court, the admissibility of the application and the jurisdiction of the court, and also gave a reference to an old judgment on 62- 1 F.

The CJ inquired what the case actually was. Mr Raja told that he was representing PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif in the court at that time. The CJ remarked, two different roles at two different times. Mr Raja argued he was a lawyer and an officer of the court, and a decision regarding 62-1F had already been a part of the case.

CJ while demanding a copy of nomination papers submitted by Mr Khan ordered the Election Commission’s lawyer to present an affidavit as well.