Farrukh Habib claims peaceful PTI workers being tortured

Farrukh Habib claims peaceful PTI workers being tortured


Farrukh Habib claims peaceful PTI workers being tortured

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf senior leader Farrukh Habib said on Wednesday that the peaceful PTI rally was being treated violently.

He said the ECP had released the schedule of elections while pn the other hand, the leader of the two hundred million was not allowed to hold rally.

He added the police resorted to violence and injured the non-violent PTI supporters due to the pressure from the government.

The PTI’s stalwart added due to the release of schedule, no body could stop PTI chief from winning elections because the people were fed up of the inhuman policies of the incumbent government.

Mr Habib the PTI workers were peaceful and it was the conspiracy of the federal government to postpone election by resorting to aggression.

He said the women were beaten on their international day. Meanwhile he urged supporters to reach Zaman Park for protests against the imported government.