CM Elahi bashes opponents over caretaker coveted Punjab CM slot

CM Elahi bashes opponents over caretaker coveted Punjab CM slot


CM Elahi bashes opponents over caretaker coveted Punjab CM slot

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi lambasted on Wednesday his political opponents, saying they were doing politics on the matter of the caretaker chief minister.

Speaking on the matter, Mr. Elahi said, "Our nominees for the coveted caretaker Punjab chief minister slot are neutral, unlike the names finalised by the PML-N." Lashing out at the opponents, Mr Elahi said, "The opposition’s dream on the matter of the coveted Punjab chief minister slot will never be fulfilled."

Mr Elahi expressed hope that the committee, chaired by the Punjab speaker, would be able to deal with the issue, adding that only a caretaker Punjab chief minister would be elected, to which no one could object.