Evidence reveals foul-play in apparent suicide at Karachi's Seaview

Evidence reveals foul-play in apparent suicide at Karachi's Seaview


Evidence reveals foul-play in apparent suicide at Karachi's Seaview

(Web Desk) - Medico-legal investigators following the autopsy and the key suspect’s deletion of the hospital’s CCTV footage lead in the same direction, strengthening the suspicions of foul play in the alleged suicide of a young woman at Seaview on Friday.

The woman, Sara Malik, 23, is said to have jumped into the water at Seaview on Friday night. On Sunday morning, after two days of searching rescuers discovered the body.

The victim was employed by Shan Saleem, the primary suspect in the case, in a veterinary clinic in the Defence Housing Authority (DHA).

She allegedly committed suicide herself by jumping into the water next to Farhan Shaheed Park after the hospital’s owner sexually harassed, victimised, and abused her.

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After a post-mortem examination, the reason of death had been kept under wraps, police surgeon Summaiya Syed had previously informed a private news channel.

She added that after the reports were received, the cause of death would be identified because “all the pertinent samples have been obtained.”

According to the autopsy report, senior medico-legal officer Dr. Tasneem Malik’s post-mortem assessment revealed that the “body is fresh in appearance.”

The young woman’s apparent suicide raised questions after the doctors’ interpretation of the “fresh body” denied the police assumptions.

The body was allegedly found in the water on Sunday morning, two days after it had been lost at sea, which is thought to be a long time for a body to decompose.

It was informed by a police officer that the woman’s cause of death had been the subject of debate because of this idea of the body’s “freshness.”

To determine whether the case was a suicide or a murder, the police were awaiting the results of a chemical examiner.

Another suspect detained

On Wednesday, SSP-South Syed Asad Raza informed that another suspect, named Waseem, the hospital owner’s business partner had been taken into custody.

Waseem allegedly “removed” the hospital’s CCTV footage where the victim was last seen exiting the building.

The SSP further stated that a “badly damaged” cell phone belonging to the victim girl had also been found on the grounds of a “foreign” restaurant.

He claimed that the suspects whose data was used to recover the cellphone for an inquiry allegedly deleted it.
The SSP did acknowledge that nothing noticeable was discovered during the initial investigation that could have indicated whether the young woman died by suicide or was killed.

The Sahil police filed a case against the owner of the veterinary hospital in the DHA under Sections 365 (kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code. On Saturday night, a raid on the clinic resulted in his detention.