PM directs to prepare agricultural reforms plan on emergency basis

PM directs to prepare agricultural reforms plan on emergency basis


PM directed to all relevant ministries to prepare agricultural reforms plan on an emergency basis.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed to all relevant ministries to prepare agricultural reforms plan on an emergency basis.

He said this while chairing a high-level meeting on agricultural sector reforms held in Islamabad on Thursday.

The Prime Minister said agricultural reforms will be implemented on an emergency basis.

He said that the government will work on the construction of silos for storing wheat and agricultural commodities.

Shehbaz Sharif said a comprehensive awareness campaign should be conducted to make the farmers aware of the modern methods of agriculture.

Matters related to procurement of future wheat, cotton and self-oil production, modern machinery at low cost to farmers, subsidy on urea and DAP, expected production and import, quality seeds, better use of water and provision of timely loans to farmers were discussed during the meeting.

The Prime Minister was briefed by sub-committees of wheat, cotton, edible oil, fertilizers, agricultural research, water use in agriculture, climate change and agricultural machinery in the meeting.

Federal Ministers Tariq Bashir Cheema, Ahsan Iqbal, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Miftah Ismail, Special Assistants Ahad Cheema, Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan and high ranking officials attended the meeting.

Agriculture Secretaries of all the provinces participated in the meeting through video link.