Ban imposed on new gas connections by previous govt will be reconsidered, NA told

Ban imposed on new gas connections by previous govt will be reconsidered, NA told


The house was adjourned to meet again on Monday.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The National Assembly was informed on Friday that the ban imposed on new gas connections by the previous government will be reconsidered by the federal cabinet.

Minister of State for Energy Musadik Masood Malik told the house during question hour that it will be our effort to revive the gas schemes where possible keeping in view the availability of gas in the country.

Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Javed Abbasi regretted that the previous government of PTI did not construct any motorway project in its four-year tenure. He said repair and maintenance of roads were also neglected during this period.

Later, the house was adjourned to meet again on Monday at 4 p.m. due to lack of quorum.