Pakistan reaffirms condemnation of terrorism in all forms: FO

Dunya News

Pakistan on Friday reaffirmed its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Pakistan on Friday reaffirmed its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations including right-wing, Islamophobic, racially and ethnically motivated and above all state-sponsored terrorism.

“Terrorism at an organized level would never completely cease to exist until those who support, plan, perpetrate, finance and facilitate it are prevented and held fully accountable,” Foreign Office said in a statement issued on the eve of the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism being commemorated on Saturday (21 August 2021).

“It is our firm resolve that use of terrorism as an instrument of state policy by some regional countries cannot be allowed to continue at the cost of peace, security and prosperity of the region,” the statement added.

“The Day calls upon the international community to connect and stand in solidarity with those who have suffered from the scourge of terrorism. On this Day, we honour all those victims who lost their lives and their loved ones who cherish their memories every day,” it said.

“We recognize sacrifices of countless individuals around the world who have laid down their lives in fighting the menace of terrorism.”

“We especially honour the victims of terrorism in Pakistan, IIOJK (Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir), Palestine and other parts of the world,” the statement said.

The statement mentioned that over last two decades, Pakistan has waged a relentless struggle against terrorism with conviction that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is condemnable and a bane to be rooted out from the world.

In this campaign, the valiant security forces and the people of Pakistan have fought against terrorism, day in day out, with utmost commitment and courage, to make their country and the world a safer place, the statement said.

“We pay homage to our heroes who sacrificed their precious lives and have successfully eradicated the menace of terrorism from the country,” it added.

While turning the tide of terrorism, the statement pointed out that Pakistan suffered over 80,000 casualties and economic losses of US $150 billion, with no other parallel in the world.

“This Day specially rekindles the pride and valor of our brave security forces who always stand guard to protect innocent men, women and children,” it added.

“We cherish their noble cause by reaffirming our resolve to carry on the fight till its end and to play our part in ensuring international peace and security. The Government of Pakistan would always support our heroes and their families,” the statement said.

The statement pointed out that the oppressed people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) deserve their special tribute for their unparalleled sacrifices while fighting the worst form of state-terrorism unleashed by Indian security forces.

Despite horrific and unabated acts of terrorism perpetrated by Indian occupation forces on the innocent youth, elderly, women and children of IIOJK, their resolve and spirit to fight the oppressors has remained unyielding, it added.

“India’s unabated reign of terror in IIOJK has led to death of over 90,000 Kashmiris. The people of Pakistan would always stand by their brothers and sisters in IIOJK and would continue to provide all possible support in their struggle against illegal, inhuman and alien occupation by India,” the statement said.

“The international community owes it to the victims of terrorism and the fallen heroes in this fight and has a moral and legal obligation to take effective measures to suppress terrorism, beyond narrow political interests and parochial geo-political agendas,” the statement maintained.