CM Buzdar terms alliance of opposition parties as illegal, immoral

Dunya News

The masses have refused to accept these parties, CM Buzdar said

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar on Monday has termed the alliance of opposition parties as illegal and immoral.

While addressing a ceremony, the CM thanked the people of Lahore for rejecting the rally of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government believes in taking practical steps for the welfare of masses instead of raising slogans only, he added.

CM Buzdar further pledged to provide all the facilities to the people.

Earlier today, the CM said that the nation has rejected opposition parties’ politics of anarchy. After December 8, December 13 has also passed but the PDM gained nothing from their rallies, he stated.

The CM said that the corrupt elements of PDM will be held accountable and they will have to return the looted wealth of the country. 

PDM is engaged in hatching conspiracies against the process of national development, he went on to say.

Sardar Usman Buzdar further said that ‘funeral’ of PDM’s demands and wishes was taken place during their public gathering at Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore.