Registration deadline for PM's Corona Relief Tiger Force extended to April 15

Dunya News

The final registration date has been pushed from April 10 to April 15

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced the extension of last registration date of PM’s corona relief tiger force from April 10 to April 15.

In a video message on Twitter, the PM started off by thanking all those who had already registered for the Tiger force for deciding to fight alongside the government during this difficult time.

Imran Khan said that up till now around 850,000 people have registered on the force, but the government has decided to extend the last day of registration from April 10 to April 15 so that more people can join.

He especially urged medical workers including nurses, doctors and people with medical experience to join the force so that they could be better prepared to face the coming adversities.

The PM said that with the combined efforts of the Government, Administration, Security Forces, Bureaucracy and Tiger Force, Pakistan would be able to overcome the deadly pandemic.