PM Imran to hold 'big' rally in Muzaffarabad on Friday

Dunya News

PM Imran to hold 'big' rally in Muzaffarabad on Friday.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has Wednesday (today) announced to hold a ‘big’ rally in Muzaffarabad on Friday, Dunya News reported.

The premier took to Twitter and maintained that he will send a message to the world about the continuing siege of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) by Indian Occupation forces.

Imran Khan stressed that he will show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them.

“I am going to do a big jalsa in Muzzafarabad on Friday 13 Sept, to send a message to the world about the continuing siege of IOJK by Indian Occupation forces; & to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them.”