Lodhi to inform UNSC President about situation in occupied Kashmir

Dunya News

Lodhi said that FM Qureshi's letter categorically rejects the illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations Maleeha Lodhi on Tuesday said that she will inform the President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) about the unilateral and illegal act of India abrogating Article 370 and 35A.

In her statement Twitter, she said, “I will be meeting the president of the UN security council today to apprise her about the threat to regional peace and security posed by India’s illegal action in occupied Kashmir.”

Maleeha Lodhi further expressed that she will hand over the letter of Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to the UN Secretary General António Guterres which categorically rejects the illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir. “Letter reads about the violation of the UNSC resolution and calls upon to ensure full compliance with its own resolutions”, she added.

Pakistan’s Ambassador asserted that FM Qureshi made it clear that rights of the Kashmiri people as provided by the SC resolutions cannot be abrogated by any unilateral action.

Maleeha Lodhi mentioned that India’s move to abolish Kashmir’s special status sheer violation of international laws.

On Monday, the Indian government had ended special status of the valley while scrapping articles 35A and 370 of the Constitution. In a malicious attempt to turn Muslim majority into minority in occupied Kashmir, the Indian president has signed a four-point amendment decree in this regard.

The announcement was made by Indian Home Minister Amit Shah during his address in Rajya Sabha, upper house of Indian parliament. Shah said, “Kashmir will no longer be a state. It will be divided into two union territories – Kashmir, which will have a legislature, and Ladakh, which will be without a legislature."

He also told that the valley would be re-organized geographically.”

The revocation of the articles has allowed other non-Muslim Indian citizens to buy land in the valley while a separate legislative assembly will be established there for its own laws.