Modi violated Kashmiris' rights by abrogating Article 370: CM Usman Buzdar

Dunya News

Modi violated Kashmiris' rights by abrogating Article 370: CM Usman Buzdar.

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has on Tuesday said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi violated the rights the people of occupied Kashmir by abrogating Article 370.

The Punjab CM affirmed that the right to self-determination of the Kashmiris cannot be curbed by this illegal move of the Indian government.

“The decision by Modi government is a breach of human rights and sheer madness which will only escalate tension. India always deprived the people of occupied Kashmir of their democratic rights.

“Modi government will have to be held accountable of its atrocities against the helpless Kashmiris. The international community must wake up and take notice of the Indian step.”