FM Qureshi urges US, world powers to persuade India for dialogue on Kashmir issue

Dunya News

Foreign Minister said the resolution of Kashmir issue is must for peace and stability in the region.

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Saturday urged the United States (US) and world powers to encourage India to start mediation talks on Kashmir issue.

Talking to a private news channel, he said contrary to the past, the United States and India presently have very good relationship and if Washington wants, it can use its influence over New Delhi for resolution of Kashmir dispute, as per Radio Pakistan reported.

The Foreign Minister said the resolution of Kashmir issue is must for peace and stability in the region. He added that Kashmir issue has become a flashpoint due to the Indian attitude.

To a question about Afghan peace process, he said Pakistan has convinced the United States to start negotiation with the Afghan Taliban as the Afghan issue has no military solution.

About Prime Minister Imran Khan’s meeting with Afghan Taliban, the Foreign Minister said a time frame about it could not be given at the moment, but the meeting would be held soon. He added efforts are being made to pursue the Afghan Taliban to join the Afghan peace talks.