Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize in Norway

Dunya News

US President Barack Obama collects his Nobel Peace Prize at a ceremony in the Norwegian capital, Oslo on Thursday. The prize includes a $1.4 million check, a gold medal and a diploma. The Nobel committee announced in October that Obama had won the prize in recognition for his aspirations to reshape US relations with the world. President Barack Obama said that the nonviolence practiced by such leaders as Gandhi and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. should be a guiding force. In a speech Thursday as he formally accepts his Nobel Peace Prize, the president says their pacifism may not have been practical or even possible in every circumstance. But he says the love they showed and their faith in human progress must always be a guiding force. Obama is the 4th President of the United States of America who got the Nobel Peace Prize. Former US Presidents Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt had also won, as had former Vice-President Al Gore - along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - in 2007. Jimmy Carter was the only US President who received the Prize after leaving office. Previous winners of the Nobel peace prize include Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela, who won jointly with FW de Klerk in 1993. The Nobel Prize is a Sweden-based international monetary prize. The award was established by the 1895 will and estate of Swedish chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel. It was first awarded in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace in 1901.