Successful gene therapy experiment for 'hemophilia' treatment

Successful gene therapy experiment for 'hemophilia' treatment

Medicines are delivered to the patient's body with help of vectors through injection

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After the successful results of a gene therapy treatment trial developed by US pharmaceutical company  Pfizer  to treat the hereditary blood disease  Hemophilia  experts have expressed hope that the method will lead to quicker and cheaper treatment.

 Hemophilia  is an inherited blood disease that is usually passed on from the father or earlier ancestors to the new generation. People with this disease lack a chemical called FactorIX, due to which they have blood clotting problems and their body starts bleeding.

So far patients around the world have to get injections equipped with a chemical called FactorIX every second or third day.

However now Pfizer has claimed that the results of its therapy trial have been encouraging, raising hopes that the method will be cheaper and standard.

According to Reuters, the results of the third and important trial of  Gene Therapy  showed that the patient only benefited from treatment. Under the method of gene therapy medicines are inserted into the patient s body to improve damaged or mutated genes.

Under this treatment medicines are delivered to the patient s body with the help of vectors through injection to the place that is infected with the disease or virus.