Usman Buzdar congratulates PCB on start of PSL 6

Dunya News

CM Buzdar directed to ensure the best arrangements for the matches to be played in Lahore.

LAHORE (APP) - Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has congratulated Pakistan Cricket Board, all the teams, national and international players and expressed well wishes for them on the start of Pakistan Super League 6.

He said that the Pakistani people were excited to watch the matches. Limited spectators will be able to go to the stadium due to coronavirus pandemic, he added.

The CM said that matches will provide recreational activities to the cricket lovers and chances to bring new talent into the lime light. Holding of PSL-6 will give the message to the world that Pakistan was a peace loving country, he went on to say.

CM Buzdar further directed to ensure the best arrangements for the matches to be played in Lahore.