Lula approval rises on economic optimism, lower food prices -Brazil poll

Lula approval rises on economic optimism, lower food prices -Brazil poll


Lula approval rises on economic optimism, lower food prices -Brazil poll

BRASILIA (Reuters) - Approval of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's government increased in August on voter perceptions that Brazil's economy is improving and he is doing a good job governing, a new Genial/Quaest poll showed on Wednesday.

Positive approval of the government rose to 42% of respondents from 37% in June, while negative views fell 3 points to 27%, the poll found.

Approval of Lula's performance as president has risen to 60% from 56%, and is at its highest since a February poll, the first survey one month after he took office.

After dipping in April to 23%, the number of Brazilians who now see the economy improving rose to 34% in August, and the main reason has been the drop in food prices, the poll showed. Negative views of the economy have decreased again after starting to fall in June, the polling firm found.

Optimism over the economy's future has grown, from 56% to 59% of Brazilians who believe it will improve in the next 12 months.