Finance Minister vows to ensure stability in forex market

Finance Minister vows to ensure stability in forex market


He affirmed that the present government is determined to make Pakistan a prosperous country.

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Finance Minister Miftah Ismail has said that the government is committed to take all possible measures to keep Pak rupee vis-à-vis the US Dollar stable without interfering into market mechanism.

Presiding over a meeting with heads of all the major Exchange Companies of Pakistan at Finance Division in Islamabad on Saturday, he expressed firm resolve of the Government to ensure stability in the Forex market.

He assured the participants that all possible steps would be undertaken to protect and strengthen the economy of Pakistan that would result in improving the value of Pak rupee.

He affirmed that the present government is determined to make Pakistan a prosperous and developed country.

Various proposals were presented by the heads of Exchange companies in this regard. It was proposed that the exchange companies should be facilitated to increase the flow of home remittances to Pakistan. The Exchange companies assured that if these measures are implemented, there will be appreciation and stability in the value of Pak rupee.