Towel exports increase 28.54 percent

The exports of Bed wear increased by 24.60 percent
ISLAMABAD (APP) - The exports of towels during eleven months of FY 2020-21 grew by 28.54 percent as compared to the exports of the corresponding period of last year.
During the period from July-May 2020-21, towels worth US $ 838,507 were also exported in current financial year as compared to the exports of valuing US $ 652,351 of same period of last year.
According to the data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the exports of Knitwear were increased by 32.70 percent, worth US $ 3,414,300 were exported as compared to worth US $ 2,572,991 of the same period last year.
Meanwhile, the exports of Bed wear increased by 24.60 per cent as worth US $ 2,172,782 were exported as compared to the exports of US $ 1,984,502 of same period of last year.
During the period under view, Tents, canvas and Tarpulin exports increased by 15.54 per cent as worth US $ 101,649 were exported in current fiscal year as compared to the exports of valuing US $ 87,975 of same period of last year.