Transport group imports reduced by 53.57 per cent in first quarter

Dunya News

Transport group imports reduced by 53.57 per cent in first quarter.

ISLAMABAD (APP) – The Transport group imports during first four months of current financial year reduced by 53.57 per cent as compared to the corresponding period of the last year.

According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the transport group imports came down from US $245,430 million in first five months of last financial year to US $108,350 million of the same period of current financial year.

During the period from July-November this year, imports of road Motor Beh.(Build Unit, CKD/SKD) reduced by 62.69% worth $92,229 million as compared the imports valuing $205,041 million of same period of last year, it added.

Meanwhile, Completely Built Units (CBU) imports decreased by 67.45%, worth $12,588 million as compared the imports of valuing $36,805 million of the corresponding period of last year.

During the period under review, buses, trucks & oth. and other heavy vehicles imports also came down by 40.94%, valuing $6,932 million imported as compared the imports worth $10,287 million of same period of last year.

During the period of first five months of current fiscal year imports of motor cars reduced by 77.70%, valuing $5,553 million imported as compared the imports worth $26,300 million of the corresponding period of last year.

Meanwhile, motor cycle imports also came down by 82.11%, valuing $103 million imported as compared the imports worth $218 million of same period of last year.