PM Khan values steps taken for promotion of renewable energy

Dunya News

He said it was focus of the government that all machinery and its parts were manufactured locally.

(Web Desk) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Friday appreciated effective measures adopted for promotion of renewable energy under a new policy.

He expressed these views while chairing a high-level meeting in Islamabad regarding the new policy being formulated on renewable energy.

The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Energy Nadeem Babar presented the proposed draft of the new policy of renewable energy.

He said electricity generation from renewable energy was the main purpose under the new policy where provision of cheapest electricity to people could be made possible.

Babar said investors would be given protection and auction would be done on annual basis so that keeping in view the capacity and requirements, the investors could participate in the auction process.

He said it was focus of the government that all machinery and its parts were manufactured locally.

The special assistant to the PM informed the meeting that efforts were being made to utilise solar, wind, municipal waste, hydrogen, biogas and waves of ocean-like renewable resources to produce energy.