
Two policemen injured in encounter with gangsters in Lahore

Investigation is underway

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Two policemen on Saturday suffered injuries during an encounter with three suspects in Nawab Town, Dunya News reported. 

The injured policemen were identified as Imtiaz and Ali Hamza. 

According to police, constables Imtiaz and Ali Hamza were on duty at a barricade for checking. In the meantime, three suspects on a motorbike reached the barricade. 

On suspicion, police asked them to stop for checking, but they fled after resorting to indiscriminate firing. 

As a result, two policemen were injured and admitted to hospital. 

A police team reached the crime scene and started investigation. 

Meanwhile, two suspected robbers were arrested after being injured in a police encounter in South Cantonment. 

A police team had noticed four suspected motorcyclists and signalled them to stop. They instead opened fire.

In exchange of fire, the suspects received bullet injuries and were arrested.

They have been identified as Imran and Qaiser. Weapons, a bike and other items have been recovered.  

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