
Work like hell to achieve success, advises Elon Musk

Says you have to work 100 hours a week

(Web Desk) – Elon Musk believes hard work is a key to success, advising entrepreneurs to work just like hell.

Elon Musk, the tech magnate behind X, Tesla, and SpaceX, is known for his relentless work ethic and unconventional approach to success.

The billionaire manages to juggle all his major businesses, family, and scoop out time to publicly engage in feuds with fellow business leaders on his social media site. 

However, while he manages to juggle all his interests, the term "work-life balance" is not in his dictionary. 

In fact, Musk believes that in order to achieve success, one has to work very hard or in his words, 'work like hell.' 

In a 2010 video interview, Musk offered advice to entrepreneurs, suggesting that extreme tenacity and a demanding work schedule are essential to success. 

He stated, "You just have to put in 80 to 100-hour weeks every week." He explained that by working more hours than others, one could achieve in four months what it would take a year for others to accomplish.

This is not just a suggestion, Musk himself has followed the intense work schedule all his life.

In a 2013 interview with South by Southwest, he admitted that he does spend time with his family, but insisted that he manages work-life balance by working even when he is with them.

He stated, "Because they don't need constant interaction, except when we're talking directly."


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