
Gigi, Bella Hadid's father compares Israel to Nazis

Earlier this month, Hadid shared his reaction to the conflict on social media

(Web Desk) - The 74-year-old Palestinian-American, Mohamed Hadid, on an Instagram post compared Israel flag with the Nazi party flag.

Gigi Hadid’s father, Mohamed Hadid, is being called out for sharing an Instagram post that compared Israel to the Nazi party.

The now-deleted post split the Israel flag with the Nazi party flag, with Hadid — who is Palestinian-American — including what he believes to be comparisons between the two.

The picture read that the Nazi party had been "founded on Aryan supremacy," while Israel had been "founded on Jewish supremacy."

The post also said that the Nazi’s "signature method" of "gas chambers" was similar to Israel's "signature method" of "carpet bombing."

The post says that both parties "expelled millions from their homes" and "used dehumanizing language for undesirables," while comparing Gaza to Auschwitz.

Earlier this month, Hadid shared his reaction to the conflict on social media.

"To Be Clear I condemn the killing and hostage taking or abusing, torturing of civilians," he wrote.

"Of Arabs Muslims, Jews or Christians. And complete disapproval of the treatment of the occupation against the occupied."

Daughter Gigi Hadid has also publicly reacted to the tragedy on Instagram, calling it an "unjustifiable tragedy."

"I have deep empathy and heartbreak for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation, it's a responsibility I hold daily.

I also feel a responsibility to my Jewish friends to make it clear, as I have before: While I have hopes and dreams for Palestinians, none of them include the harm of a Jewish person."

Mohamed Hadid, 74, is the father of Gigi, Bella, and Anwar Hadid.

He was married to their mother, Yolanda Hadid, for six years.  

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