Nations sending arms and aid to Ukraine

Last updated on: 28 February,2022 09:42 pm

Nations sending arms and aid to Ukraine.

PARIS (AFP) - Dozens of countries have started to send military or humanitarian aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded last Thursday.

The United States, Canada and 19 European countries have so far responded to Ukrainian appeals for military equipment.

- United States -

Washington is sending an extra $350 million (313 million euros) in military aid to Kyiv to bring its total support to more than a billion dollars over the last year.

- European Union -

For the first time in its history, the EU is financing the purchase and delivery of arms after leaders agree to transport weapons worth 450 million euros to Kyiv.

Foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says some nations are sending the Ukrainians fighter jets.

- Canada -

Canada is sending lethal military weaponry and loaning Kyiv half-a-billion Canadian dollars ($392 million, 350,500 million euros) to help it defend itself. 

- Germany -

Berlin has broken a longstanding taboo of not exporting arms to conflict zones in vowing to send Ukraine 1,000 anti-tank weapons, 500 "Stinger" surface-to-air missiles and nine howitzers.

It is also donating 14 armoured vehicles and 10,000 tonnes of fuel.

- Sweden, Norway and Denmark -

Stockholm is also breaking its historic neutral stance to send 5,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, with Denmark contributing a further 2,700. Neighbours Norway are sending helmets and body armour. 

- France -

France has sent anti-aircraft and digital weapons, as well as fuel.

- Britain - 

London says it will "provide further UK support to Ukraine", without specifying what it might be.

- Belgium -

Belgium says it will supply Ukraine with 3,000 more automatic rifles and 200 anti-tank weapons, as well as 3,800 tons of fuel.

- Netherlands -

The Dutch defence ministry says it is sending "200 Stinger missiles as soon as possible" as well as sniper rifles and helmets.

- Czech Republic -

Prague is sending 4,000 mortars and an arsenal of 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles, 3,000 machine guns and a million bullets.

- Croatia -

Zagreb will dispatch 16 million euros  worth of small arms and body armour.

- Portugal -

Portugal is giving Ukraine night-vision goggles, bullet-proof vests, helmets, grenades, ammunition and automatic G3 rifles.

- Greece -

Athens is sending "defence equipment". Greece has a large community in Ukraine, including 10 citizens who have been killed and many more who are in the firing line.

- Romania -

Romania, which shares a border with Ukraine, is offering to treat the wounded in its 11 military hospitals. Bucharest is also sending fuel, bulletproof vests, helmets and other "military material" worth three million euros.




- Italy -

Rome has sent 110 million euros in immediate aid to the Ukrainian government as "a concrete sign of our support".

- US and Britain -

Washington announced $54 million in new humanitarian aid for Ukraine to be spent through NGOs, with London adding �40 million ($54 million, 48 million euros).

- France and Germany -

France has sent 33 tonnes of aid to refugees in Poland. Another 33 tonnes is destined for Moldova. Berlin is giving 16 million euros to aid refugees.

- Norway, Netherlands and Denmark -

The Dutch and Danish governments are sending 20 million euros each in humanitarian aid, with Oslo adding a similar sum.

- Spain -

Madrid has promised to send 20 tonnes of aid to Ukraine, mostly medical and defensive equipment such as bulletproof vests.

- Israel and Ireland -

Israel says it is sending 100 tonnes of humanitarian aid, with Ireland contributing 10 million euros in aid for refugees, as well as medical supplies.

- Turkey and Greece -

Turkey s disaster relief agency is sending three lorries of aid to Moldova for Ukrainian refugees. The Red Crescent is sending help to people fleeing into Romania.

Greece is sending a shipment of humanitarian aid through Poland.