Pakistan and Egypt agree to open centers for dubbing movies and dramas

Last updated on: 02 February,2022 08:23 pm

We want to further develop our relations with Pakistan, says Ambassador of Egypt.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Federal Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry and Ambassador of Egypt Dr. Tarek Dahroug have agreed to open centers for dubbing Pakistani and Egyptian movies and dramas.

The Ambassador of Egypt Dr. Tarek Dahroug has met the Federal Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry. In the meeting, matters of mutual interest including drama, film and regional and global situation were discussed.

On the occasion the Federal Minister for Information said that, “Pakistan and Egypt have long-standing fraternal relations. The people of the two countries have been bound by religious, cultural and brotherly ties. There had been a cultural harmony between Pakistan and Egypt.”

The situation of Afghanistan and the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Chine were also discussed in the meeting.

The Egyptian Ambassador has stated that, “Pakistan and Egypt have had a common stance on the world affairs. A great human tragedy has been evolving in Afghanistan. In this situation the people Afghanistan could not be left alone,” adding that, “The world must step forward to help Afghan people. Egypt will also play it’s part in this regard. PM Imran Khan will also discuss Afghanistan in his visit to China.”

“We want to further develop our relations with Pakistan,” said Ambassador of Egypt.