Man ticketed in suburban Chicago dog park for tree treatment

Last updated on: 30 June,2021 08:44 am

Thomas said he'll ask a judge to dismiss the ticket for “good Samaritan” reasons.

NAPERVILLE, Ill. (AP) — A man who said he sprayed trees in a suburban Chicago park to protect them after an anxious dog chewed off the bark has been ticketed by authorities.

Asher Thomas is accused of “altering flora” in a Naperville dog park. The ticket from the Will County Forest Preserve carries a $225 fine, the Aurora Beacon-News reported.

“Just as you can’t go around doing things to other people’s property, even if intentions are good, you can’t allow your dogs to do damage or spray a foreign substance on trees,” said Forest Preserve Deputy Police Chief Dave Barrios.

Thomas said he regularly takes his dog, Dixie, to Whalon Lake Dog Park and learned that another owner’s German shepherd had gnawed away the bark on more than a dozen trees.

He said he used a can of tree pruning sealer to cover the wounds.

“The whole purpose was to prevent trees from being lost,” said Thomas, who works for the U.S. Coast Guard. “What if I saved the trees? What if the other nine I did not spray died and the ones I treated lived?”

He said a “tree is worth more than gold” in his native state, Colorado.

Thomas said he’ll ask a judge to dismiss the ticket for “good Samaritan” reasons.