Disabled children deserve special attention: President Alvi

Last updated on: 03 December,2020 07:04 pm

Disabled children deserve special attention: President Alvi

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - President Dr Arif Alvi has said persons with disabilities deserve special attention and there is a need to take measures to ensure their inclusion in different sectors of the society.

He was addressing an event in Islamabad today to mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. The President said an inclusive system should be formulated to provide them equal facilities like other citizens.

He said that admission should also be given to differently abled children in educational institutions on special quotas which enable the society to realize the problems being faced by this segment. He emphasized that collective efforts from all segments of society in synergy with the government are required to mainstream them in society as well as in social, economic and political decision making.

He said steps are being taken to provide facilities for special peoples in the Federal Capital including building ramps, separate parking in public parks and easy access to shopping malls. He said that should be expanded across the country with letter and spirit.

Dr Arif Alvi also stressed to provide jobs suitable for disabled persons and private sector should be made prepare for this purpose. He appreciated State bank of Pakistan s step in providing loans for disabled person for business to make them functional in the society. He also appreciated Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall for different initiatives in providing assistive materials to deserving disabled persons.

Addressing on the occasion, Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari said the government is committed to protect the rights of persons with disability in Pakistan and we have made several legislations in this regard. She said these laws in now in implementation phase. She said that special steps are being taken multiple disabled persons.

Managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal Aon Abbas also addressed the event.