Govt's duty to provide facilities to nation: PM Imran

Last updated on: 19 November,2020 10:55 am

PTI govt will bring Pakistan's best local bodies system: PM Imran

FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Wednesday has said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government will bring country’s best local bodies system. Addressing the industrialists and members of business community in Faisalabad,  PM Imran said that it’s the duty of government to provide relief to the nation. The premier said that his government was being criticized over increasing inflation. We have to improve our financial status to get rid of debts, he stated.

PM Imran said that the government is trying to provide opportunities to business community. Our export has been increased with the passage of time, he went on to say.

The prime minister further said that PTI government had controlled the first wave of coronavirus with effective strategy. However, now, the nation has been requested to wear face masks to permanently defeat this disease, he appealed. Earlier, PM Imran had arrived in Faisalabad and met exporters, traders and textile manufacturers. He pledged to construct new international airport and upgrade Allied Hospital. The premier has further directed the concerned authorities to resolve the issue of industrialists regarding electricity shortage.