President Alvi, Turkmen counterpart discuss bilateral ties, TAPI pipeline project

Last updated on: 18 September,2020 11:09 pm

President Alvi underscored the need of early operationalization of TAPI project

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – President Dr. Arif Alvi and Presiden Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan on Friday exchanged views on Pakistan-Turkmenistan bilateral relations, implementation of Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan Iran (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project, and TAP Power Transmission lines.

They exchanged the views during a phone call by the President of Turkmenistan to President Alvi. According to a press release issued by the President’s Media Office, the two leaders expressed satisfaction over the existing relationship and emphasized the need to further strengthen and diversify trade, economic and energy cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

President Alvi underscored the need of early operationalization of TAPI project that would go a long way in further strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. Underlining the significance of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the President said that the Corridor would boost regional connectivity and countries of the region, particularly Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics, would tremendously benefit from its road and railway infrastructure.

He also highlighted the importance of Gwadar seaport which offered shortest route to Turkmenistan and in that regard suggested early finalization of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on sister port relationship between the ports of Gwadar and Turkmenbashi.

President Alvi apprised his Turkmen counterpart about Pakistan’s policy of smart lockdown that successfully contained the Corona pandemic. He appreciated the remarkable measures taken by the Government of Turkmenistan in curbing the spread of the virus. Both sides discussed the Afghan peace process and stressed the need for early peaceful solution to the long-drawn war.

The President highlighted the brutalities and human rights violations being committed by the Indian occupation forces against the innocent population of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He stated that the international community needed to take note of the grave human rights situation in the IIOJK to stop India from committing human rights violations in the Valley.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed online meetings of existing institutional mechanisms between the two countries such as Joint Governmental Commissions and Joint Working Groups on trade, communications, agriculture, industry, transport, and science and technology so as to enhance cooperation in these areas.

The Turkmen President invited President Dr Arif Alvi to participate in the international conference titled “Policy of Neutrality and its Importance in ensuring International Peace,

Security and Sustainable Development” scheduled to be held in Ashgabat in 2021. President Alvi felicitated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the people of Turkmenistan on the 25th Anniversary of the Permanent Neutrality being celebrated this year.

He also thanked his Turkmen counterpart for making telephone call, saying such interactions at high levels, would bring the two brotherly countries further closer.