NA passes resolution condemning Indian atrocities in IoK

Last updated on: 29 October,2018 09:30 pm

Kashmir dispute should be resolved according to the United Nations resolutions

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The National Assembly on Monday unanimously passed a resolution against Indian violence and over Black Day in occupied Kashmir.

The resolution was tabled by Minister of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Ali Amin Gandapur.

The resolution stated that the House strongly condemn Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir and the foreign countries should take of gross violation of human rights.

Kashmir dispute should be resolved according to the United Nations resolutions, the resolution stated.

It stated that the more than 90,000 people have been martyred in the valley and around 4 million have been imprisoned, while thousands of women have been raped.

The resolution while paying rich tribute to the mothers, sisters, sons and brothers stated that the innocent Kashmiris have been struggling for independence for the last 70 years.

Earlier, Ali Amin Gandapur while chairing a briefing of Kashmir State Property said that improved care of the assets of Kashmir State Property can help increasing revenue of the institution.

The minister said that Kashmir State Property includes agricultural, residential and commercial assets worth billions of rupees but they were not utilized effectively.

He suggested setting up a committee to increase the income of Kashmir State Property that will assess all legal and administrative complexities to give recommendations for best use of these properties.

Ali Amin Gandapur said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government is running the government affairs with development and positive thinking.