Popular story among kids Mr. Fantastic Fox is all set to hit the cinemas as entertaining movie soon. The story is Roald Dahl's, writer of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and James and the Giant Peach. It's a 52 page children's tale about a fox who, at night, steals chickens, ducks, and turkeys from three wealthy and ill tempered farmers named Boggis, Bunce and Bean. The three find out their stock is being depleted and decide to put an end to Mr. Fox. They stake out his house and when he comes out they shoot at him. He escapes but in the process he loses his tail. Then Fox and his family decide to run away by digging deep underground as the three farmers start using spades and shovels and even bulldozers to get at him. There is a lot of license taken with the story as Dahl's book ends with the farmers waiting it out just outside the foxhole until the fox shows himself again and it is indicated that there they will wait forever. This does not, however, an entertaining film make. So the screenplay writers, Anderson and Noah Baumbach, used Dahl's story as an Act 2 and added more story to the beginning and the end thus rounding it out better for the silver screen. Plus we get chapter titles that show up on screen and lead us through the story.