"Sending French cartoonists to hell" strengthens cause: Cleric

Dunya News

He called for 'global legislation' against blasphemy

LAHORE (Daily Dunya) – Chief of Tehreek-e-Sirat-e-Mustaqim, literally ‘Movement for Right Path’ Dr Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali on Thursday said that the blasphemers cannot escape ‘destined end’.

He said “sending those who created blasphemous cartoons to hell” will strengthen the “movement of protecting honour of prophethood”.

He said if legislation to protect honour of prophets was done on an international level then the France shooting would not have taken place.

It merits mentioning here that Pakistan Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam on Thursday condemned attack on French magazine Charlie Habdo in Paris that left at least 12 dead and several injured.

In her weekly media briefing, Ms Aslam said that Pakistan has condemned every kind of terrorist attack. She said Pakistan’s stance against mocking religion through caricature is also clear and that Pakistan has always protested against mocking of religion through the platform of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).

The spokeswoman said that Pakistan is working towards global religious harmony and tolerance, adding that religions and faiths must be respected.

She said Pakistan even submitted a resolution in this regard in United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Armed gunmen on Wednesday stormed the office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo and killed at least 12 including 2 policemen and Editor-in-chief.

Charlie Hebdo magazine has previously come under attack for mocking holy personalities through caricatures.

A version of this story appeared in Daily Dunya on January 9, 2015