Dunya News

PTI denied permission to hold public gathering in Quetta

PTI denied permission to hold public gathering in Quetta
Decision was taken in the wake of law and order situation

QUETTA (Dunya News) - Quetta district administration has denied permission to PTI for holding public gathering amid law and order situation.

The PTI submitted the application to the district administration for holding a gathering at Ayub Stadium or Hockey ground, but the administration rejected the application.

Quetta deputy commissioner stated that there were some concerns of law and order situation and provision of security for gathering was a challenge.

SC warned that those who would commit a violation of law, they had to face the music.

Meanwhile, Balochistan PTI spokesperson emphasised to hold a rally come what may.

The security around Railway Hockey Ground had been beefed up by the PTI on the call for a public gathering.

The heavy contingent of police at Red Zone and Hockey Chowk had been called.  

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