
JI mulls legal options to challenge 26th amendment: Hafiz Naeem

Labels it an attack on judiciary and democracy

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said on Monday the party would challenge the 26th constitutional amendment. 

Addressing a press conference, he alleged that a conspiracy was hatched to attack and influence the judiciary. 

Naeem disclosed that they were considering legal mechanisms and would move the Supreme Court to challenge the 26th amendment to the constitution.  He hailed the PTI move to boycott the amendment saying some opposition members did vote in support of the amendment after being bribed. 

Parliamentarians who hardly secured seats and won elections had made the amendment, Naeem criticised. 

The JI emir berated the Punjab government for giving relief in power bills to the public only for two months. 


The National Assembly on Sunday night passed the 26th Constitutional Amendment Bill, with 225 votes in its favour amid PTI parliamentarians' walkout in protest against the bill.

Earlier, the Senate passed the bill with 65 members voting in favour of the amendment, while four members opposed it.

The bill proposes a series of constitutional amendments, including setting a three-year fixed term for the chief justice, establishing constitutional benches, restructuring the Supreme Judicial Council, and forming a Special Parliamentary Committee to recommend names from among the three senior-most judges of the apex court for the chief justice's appointment.  

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