Dunya News

Colleges, varsities in Lahore say no to motorcyclists without helmets

Colleges, varsities in Lahore say no to motorcyclists without helmets
HEC directs special campaign to ensure use of helmets by two-wheelers

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Ban on entry in universities and colleges without helmet has been imposed in the provincial capital, Lahore. 

The Higher Education Department has directed a special campaign for the use of helmets for motorcycle drivers. 

Letter on the new rule has been sent to universities’ registrars and colleges' principals. 

Wearing a helmet for motorcyclist teachers and students has been made mandatory. Entry into college or university without a helmet is prohibited. 

Motorcycle riders without helmets will not be allowed to park their vehicles in universities and colleges. 

The Higher Education Department affirmed that this decision had been taken in the wake of a surge in traffic accidents and loss of lives as a result.  


Citizens including police officers and officials are being fined with e-challan through an artificial intelligence system for not wearing helmets in Lahore. 

An AI-based system has been operationalised against motorcyclists without helmets. 

The entrance of motorcycle riders without helmets on model roads and at entry and exit routes of the city has been prohibited. 

Lahore CTO Ammara Athar disclosed that 227,761 challan tickets had been issued by the AI system for violation of the helmet traffic rule. 

The action has been taken against violators through 300,100 challans issued by manual method.

The entry to traffic offices without a helmet also has been banned.  

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