
World News Day - It's time to 'choose truth'

The theme of World News Day 2024 is ‘Choose Truth’ which has been designed by Daily Maverick of SA.

LAHORE (Mudassar Ali Iqbal) - Sept 28 marks the World News Day. The purpose of ‘celebrating’ this day is to pay tribute to the work of professional journalists, media outlets and newsrooms.

A professional and responsible media is considered the fourth pillar of democracy. This day is meant to recognise and celebrate the critical role that journalists play in respective societies. The media keeps the people informed and makes them aware of their rights. It holds the powerful accountable to the public.

As Thomas Jefferson rightly said, “A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.”

These words of Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of United States, sum up the importance of a trustworthy and truthful media in any society.


The theme of World News Day 2024 is ‘Choose Truth’ which has been designed by Daily Maverick of South Africa.

The theme outlines the most important factor of media, “Truth.”

But in the contemporary times the choice of truth has become very difficult. The era of a well rolled and tossed morning paper has almost gone.

The reliance of people has been shifted from daily papers to news feed of social media. There is no doubt the widespread use of social media has ‘democratised’ the institution of news. Anyone with a device and an internet connection can post a news or share opinion, and it can add to the global opinion.


In this era of misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and sensationalism, it is difficult to separate facts from blatant lies. Countless people rely on social media for news in this day and age of technology.

According to research reports, 54pc adults in USA and 77pc adults from Nigeria rely on social media for daily news. Globally almost 50pc adults in 40 countries use social media including TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook as sources of daily news.

With such a massive reliance on social media the danger of spreading fake news, misinformation and disinformation has grown manifold.


Pakistan, like rest of the world, celebrates the World News Day but with some disappointing facts. According to Amnesty International, ban on the media voice in Pakistan is really disturbing.

RSF (an international organisation which works for freedom of expression) ranks Pakistan at 152 out of total 180 countries.

Public opinion is now blurred by the sensation created by Yellow Journalism (a type of journalism which does not focus on accuracy but on creating sensation and winning over consumers).

Now the responsibility of journalists and news outlets has increased. Their choice of truth has become crucial to keep society well informed. To keep the people well aware of their rights, journalist should remove malice from their profession.

Bias should be avoided at all costs because this leads to disinformation.

Sensationalism and views must not be the focus of a journalist, rather his conduct should be the emblem of professionalism and truth. And truth should not be a choice but a precondition for every journalist. 

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