
Crescent moon in a never-before-seen image captured

Moon just above the Earth's horizon

(Web Desk) - The International Space Station has served as a centre point for several mesmerising pictures in the recent past.

Nasa has shared another stunning gem showing the moon just above the Earth's horizon. The moon appears crescent in shape with most of it dark. Nasa stated that the photo had been clicked from a "unique vantage point" inside the International Space Station.

Nasa astronaut Matthew Dominick, who has been aboard the ISS for approximately four months, took the picture. He is the commander of NASA’s @SpaceX Crew-8 mission that went to space on March 3 this year.

Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin and NASA astronauts Michael Barratt and Jeanette Epps were the other astronauts who went to space as part of it.

"Layers of orange and black appear underneath the horizontal band of blue stretching across the centre of the image," the space agency described the beautiful scene.

"The crescent moon is white and stands out against the blackness of space."

Dominick described the picture as "A sliver of a moon rises out of noctilucent clouds and appears to look towards the horizon awaiting the imminent sunrise."


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