
Civil servant robot 'commits suicide', deadly plunge under probe

Witnesses saw the robot erratically circling before its fall, sparking speculation about the cause

(Web Desk) - A first-of-its-kind incident has shocked the world after a civil servant robot at Gumi City Council in South Korea was found unresponsive after what appears to be a deliberate plunge down a two-meter staircase.

Local media and social media users have called it the first “robot suicide” in the country.

The robot, affectionately known as the “Robot Supervisor,” had been a model employee since its appointment in August 2023.

“It was officially a part of the city hall, one of us,” an official said.

A diligent worker

The official stated that the robot “worked diligently,” handling daily document deliveries, city promotion, and information dissemination to local residents.

Witnesses reported seeing the robot “circling in one spot as if something was there” shortly before the incident, sparking speculation about the cause of the fall.

Some experts have suggested that the robot may have experienced an emotional breakdown due to the stress of its workload, while others believe a technical malfunction could be to blame.

The exact circumstances leading to the robot’s demise are under investigation. “Pieces have been collected and will be analyzed by the company,” the official said.

The robot was created by Bear Robotics, a California-based robot-waiter startup.

Mysterious circumstances

The incident has sparked a wave of mourning and curiosity across the nation. Local media headlines questioned the apparent “robot suicide,” asking, “Why did the diligent civil officer do it?” and “Was work too hard for the robot?”

Social media has also been abuzz with reactions ranging from poignant tributes to the fallen robot to serious discussions about the ethical implications of AI sentience and the potential for robot suffering.

Talking about its quality, the robot was unique in its ability to call an elevator and move between floors autonomously. It reportedly worked from 9 AM. to 6 PM and even had its own civil service officer card.

Robotics and ethical concerns

Notably, South Korea is a global leader in robotics adoption, and it boasts the highest robot density in the world. With one industrial robot for every ten employees, the nation has embraced automation in various sectors, from manufacturing to public service.

However, this incident raises critical questions about the ethical implications of such widespread robotic integration, especially in roles traditionally occupied by humans.

It has also raised concerns about the workload and well-being of robots in the workforce and ignited a broader conversation about the ethical treatment of AI.

Meanwhile, in response to the incident, Gumi City Council has announced that it has no plans to adopt a second robot officer at this time.


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