
Establishment's meddling in judicial affairs to end soon, says LHC CJ

Says happy to see judiciary making decisions without fear and any pressure

RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - Outgoing Lahore High Court Chief Justice Malik Shehzad Ahmed Khan has said that interference of the Establishment in judicial affairs will end soon.

Speaking at a ceremony in Rawalpindi, Justice Shehzad Khan said thousands of cases were still pending with courts. 

"One generation sues and the third generation goes and hears the verdict," he said.

"We get letters and threats," said the CJ. He said he was happy to see judiciary making decisions without fear and any pressure. 

"We have to make decisions according to the Constitution and law. Many institutions are involved in interference in the judiciary," he added. 

Justice Shahzad said one should not be afraid of rendering any kind of sacrifice. "A judge had announced he would make sacrifice," he said. 

"To get rid of the establishment, we have to take bold decisions exhibit courage. Soon the interference of the Establishment from the judiciary will end," the CJ said and added, "We have to work with such people fearlessly staring into their eyes. We should not be afraid of anyone." 

He said for the first time in judicial history, judges had complained they were intimidated. 

"This issue is a bad luck for the country. The judges have narrated all the incidents that happened with them," said Justice Shahzad. He further said delay in deciding cases was the biggest problem. 

"In majority of the cases, witnesses do not attend courts. Pakistanis living abroad are also facing hardship while pursuing their cases."

"People should be facilitated to get quick and affordable justice. If we bring a slight improvement in the justice delivery system, we will get a reward from Allah, surely," said the outgoing LHC CJ.  

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