
Instagram to increase reach of small, original creators

New changes will be introduced in next few months

(Web Desk) - Instagram is rolling out updates to its ranking systems to spotlight content from smaller, original creators, aiming to level the playing field across the platform.

The move follows criticism from creators who felt overshadowed by the algorithm, with Instagram's head, Adam Mosseri, fielding complaints frequently.

Under the new changes, smaller creators will receive more distribution, with original content prioritized over reposts in recommendations.

Labels will be added to reposted content, linking back to the original creator. Content aggregators will be excluded from recommendations.

Instagram's revamped recommendation algorithm will gradually expose eligible content to wider audiences based on engagement levels.

Identical content will be replaced by the original version in recommendations, though not if significantly altered, such as in memes or parodies.

The platform's crackdown extends to meme accounts and pages solely reposting others' content, with these accounts set to be excluded from recommendations in the near future. 

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