
North Korea lashes out at critics, hints at more satellite launches

US criticised North Korea for launching a space booster last week

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea warned on Monday it would continue to exercise its sovereign rights, including satellite launches, state media KCNA reported, citing the foreign ministry.

The report on a statement from a foreign ministry official also criticised a joint statement released by the United States, South Korea and other countries aimed at its recent satellite launch.

"It is a legal and just way to exercise its right to defend itself and thoroughly respond to and precisely monitor the serious military action by the US and its followers," the KCNA report said.

It also warned of consequences while discussing UN security resolutions aimed at the nuclear-armed state.

The United States and nine other countries issued a joint statement last week criticising North Korea for launching a space booster using ballistic missile technology, calling it a violation of multiple Security Council resolutions.

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